::: UI5 / Gateway Videos Training Materials Details :::
Below UI5 with NetWeaver Gateway Video Training Curriculum Avail @ $199 USD
Training Topics Contents Covered are Listed As Below
1.) SAP Netweaver Gateway Using OData Service :
- Introduction NetWeaver Gateway
- NetWeaver Gateway Usage
- Gateway Architecture overview
- Technical Components Involved
- Introduction to REST
- Introduction to OData
- OData advantages
- Introduction to OData formats JSON and XML
- Overview of Structure of an OData Service
- Overview of Service Document
- Overview of Service Metadata Document
2.) OData Operations :
- Create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- OData Query Options
- Filtering and Projecting ($filter and $select)
- Sorting ($orderby)
- Client-Side Paging ($top, $skip, and $inlinecount)
- Counting ($count)
- Inlining ($expand)
- Formatting ($format)
3.) OData in SAP Solutions :
- Introduction to OData Service Creation
- Service Creation Process Overview
- SAP NetWeaver Gateway Toolset
- SAP NetWeaver Gateway Service Builder
- Beyond the Service Builder: Supporting Tools during the Service Creation Process
- Steps in the Service Creation Process
- Data Model Definition in the Service Builder
- Service Registration in the SAP Business Suite System
- Service Implementation
- Service Maintenance
- The OData Channel Development Paradigm
- Model Provider Class
- Data Provider Class and Data Provider Extension Class
- Service Development
- Data Model Definition
- Creating a Project
- Creating the Data Model
- Service Registration in the SAP Business Suite System
- Service Stub Generation
- Service Maintenance
- Incremental Service Implementation and Model Enhancement
- Single Read (GET_ENTITY)
- Query Options
- Navigation Properties
- CRUD Methods
- Service Generation
- Generation via RFC/BOR Interface
- Data Model Definition
- Service Registration: Stub Creation
- Service Maintenance
- Service Implementation Model Composition: Include Gateway Service
4.) SAP User Interface for HTML5 :
- HTML5 Creating our first web page
- Line breaks, paragraphs and headers
- Bold, italics and comments
- Lists
- linking to another page
- Images
- Directory structures
- New audio tag, New video tag
- Table
- Cascade Style sheet
- External style sheet
- Font properties
- CSS comments
- Box Model, padding,border, margin, padding.
- Classes - Div and Span - working with colors
- Background images - ID's, child selectors, pseudo classes
- Styling links, Styling lists
- Rounded corners
- Linear gradient
- Float and clear
- New tags for the Layout
5.) jQuery :
- Selectors
- Events DOM Manipulation
6.) Installation of SAPUI5 :
- SAPUI5- Development Environment
7.) Addons :
- Adapting Own CSS
- Matrix Layout
8.) Overview of SAP Fiori :
- Overview of SAP Fiori